Friday, October 13, 2006

Valetting the car was just too difficult probably not helped by having the dog with us. So we gave up and went IPWD (In Park With Dog). We had a good laugh over the hardback, second-hand copy of the Scottish Highlanders – I’m looking forward to reading it – seems to have a lot of pictures of crofts and crofters!

Rob is now hoovering out the car and I am in a bit of a ‘this time last week’ loop, but Gilly and I are going to the pub later aiming for the talking/laughing/crying/curry combo.

I do feel I’m a very lucky person - I am sad that Chris has gone but I have had such a lovely life with him - I can’t not but know how lucky I am.

I’m obviously going through a ‘Blessing counting’ phase of bereavement, probably something to do with my visitors this morning and memories of last Friday.