Saturday, September 05, 2015


Blogging two days running, there is obviously a lot going on!   Although I have actually done very little today I have nearly finished sorting out my apartment......  the rest of the time I have been knitting and thinking!

I think the 'lot going on' is actually in my mind rather than busyness or doing stuff -  sitting and knitting and thinking has taken me to a very still place of reflection, which I will now try and put into words in my blogg.

When I meditate I can go to an extraordinary place, somewhere that doesn't feel here/this world. Recently this place has been full of colours -  deep, swirling lights that I am in the centre of. I can also get this feeling at other times when I'm not meditating, it's a feeling of detachment, of being here and also not being here.

There is also the growing recognition that I feel time is accelerating, I was listening to something on YouTube earlier on talking about beginnings of the Internet in 1994.  Just over 20 years ago and there has been a complete transformation in global communications. I talked about it to my Mum on the phone and she said she recognised it had happened, and also that she was not part of it, she was very right and  I felt her understanding was insightful.  I then thought back over the last 20 years of my life, so much has happened, too much for me to remember, yet here I am today present at this time. Not certain where this blogg is going -  sometimes when I write a blogg I get an insight to what I'm thinking..... but it's not coming tonight!

 So obviously - it is still work/reflections in progress......  and it's okay not to know! I love that -  it is okay to say " I do not know why."  And to just accept that!

So I do not know why - anything happens/why I am here/the meaning of life......  and it's okay not to know.......  got there in the end -  thank you blogg -  that's what today has all been about -  it's okay not to know!

Lucky to be alive -  especially at this time -  of accelerated change, chaos, the unknown getting closer, wow, wow ,wow....... AND it's OK not to know......... IN FACT IT'S PERFECT NOT TO KNOW!!!!!!

Friday, September 04, 2015

My heart is so full........

It is late on Friday night....... I came back from the Spirithorse valley on Monday night after five days with Aidan my little great nephew, age 6 years......  another and very special story......  so back home to the 'real' world and packing -  boxing up all my possessions  - as I will only be in Liverpool for a few days before  I leave for ever at the end of October......  after 40 years in this city I am leaving - happy to leave, timing right to leave, but.......   but knowing that as I'm doing this that I will actually find it very hard to leave............  and tonight my heart is full...

Conscious of my family, especially my Mum.......  but also my sisters and their families.....  but knowing....  and increasingly knowing....  that distance is not a physical measurement...  you can be close to someone the other side of the world,  and very distant from somebody who lives close to you...

Happy to be leaving, with the knowledge that the timing is right, sadness and grief because of distance which is not physical - knowing  that I have responsibility only for living my own life.....  and bottom-line just getting on with it!!

Wow -  it isn't life just absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!