I lived at home, shared a flat with a friend and then moved in with Chris when I was 19. He never worked away, or was in hospital so apart from a couple of times when he was playing in the band or at a conference, which over the years was probably less than 10 nights, I’ve never been at home on my own. I was also never on my own because I had at least one boy and a dog in the house!.
During the night I thought about travelling. Since 1998 I have travelled quite a lot on my own, across America and Europe. I thought about this and remembered that travelling on my own is something I like doing.
So I have decided that I must look at living on my own to be like travelling on my own. The difference will be that I wont get texts saying ‘IPWD – lovely sunny day – CU later xx’. And Chris wont be here when I get home. That’s what I’ve got to get used to.
I have googled for images of Klimt’s ‘ Tod und Leben’ and what is interesting (bingo!) is that most of the images are just of ‘Life’ and ‘Death’ has been cut out. I think we need to live our lives with the knowledge that we share it with death. Though I don't think I'll go so far as to have it tatooed on my back like one of the images!
So this is how I will live on my own.
Gustaf Klimt 'Tod und Leben' significantly painted in 1916

The Flags of the World is the same shape and size but not the same mug. But it’s a good mug and I am enjoying drinking my tea from it.