Last November we went to Riga in Latvia and were there for their first National Day as a country within the European Union. I love small countries and it was special to be there at that time.
New Year we spent in Pollensa, Mallorca with Alan and Moira. Chris has known Alan since he was a school boy. We saw in the New Year as the only Brits in a very Spanish restaurant which was great fun.
In February half term we went to Granada with Jim and Les, spending half the week in the Plaza de Bib-Rambla and the other half in a wonderful Posada up a mountain surrounded by olive trees. At Easter we went on the Trent and Mersey and Shropshire Union canals with Alex, Jim, Aziz and Jamal.
This year we also had a very European Eurovision with Gilly, Sophie and us - joined by Renata, Stein and Ingvild.
In July we went to Leeds with Nan and Pop for Alex’s graduation - MPhys First Class! (I am his mother)
Then this summer Chris and I spent a lovely week in Italy and Slovenia before joining Paul, Sue and the Independent Travelling Boys on Brac for a fortnight. Returning via Slovenia and Pisa with Paul and Sue.
In between this Chris worked for the OCN mainly visiting community based organisations. He divided the rest of his time between looking after Jimmy and me, cooking, reading the Guardian, listening to Radio 4, watching the birds in the garden, proof reading the latest Professor Fluffy tome and at weekends we would have people round to either sit round the table or the garden - eating, drinking arguing and having fun!
So Chris's last year was a good year - the only regret I know he had was that we didn't get to Lugo. He was really looking forward to that.