Thursday, October 26, 2006

Been to the doctor and it’s official I have ‘Insomnia and Anxiety, post bereavement.’ Sounds about right. He has signed me off until the 22nd of November and was very keen to give me a book on coping with bereavement. I took it, though I told him I think I am actually coping quite well – he said just in case!

Last night Margaret came round and we had a lovely night. Had our tea around the table (result) – a new trio of diners – and then talked – thanks Margaret.

Today I finished reading White Buffalo, I liked his style and thought it was well intended, so I have one book under my belt.

Deirdre phoned which reminded me that I should have been in London today - at the Uniaid Launch – I know I’m going back to work in a few weeks - but at the moment it still seems a world away!

I then started sorting out the probate business but quickly got fed up with that, so took Jim for a pub lunch.

I asked Margaret if she thought the blogg was getting soppy – and she sensibly replied “People don’t have to read it!”