Thursday, March 27, 2014

Feeling on the edge of being overwhelmed,

... tonight I got back from Berlin after a two day conference in Halle, Germany... which I arrived at straight from Peru - well via Panama and Amsterdam.... and tonight I have been putting photos on Facebook.... they only tell a fraction of the story .... I looked at these photos and also talked to a dear friend on the phone and I am just so full of amazement at my life.....

Not just being where I have been... but the learning ...... I can see my learning - am almost standing outside myself  as I watch myself learn..... and the people that I have been so blessed to have met - wonderful, amazing people... of all ages.

This  is currently my Fb profile picture and I just love it..... I am feeling so alive...... and so grateful....... buzzing!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


...... yesterday I gave my notice in at work! In 9 months I go part-time and sometime before the end of 2015 I will leave the University of Liverpool - I started working for the University in 1984 - so basically most of my working life!

I had one partner for over 30 years and one employer for over 30 years - not sure what that makes me..... maybe a creature of habit! Not how I would usually describe myself!

I do have a wonderful job though...... and on reflection I know I have made my own world of work - looking back I have made things happen... people often ask me how I ended up doing what I do.... and I have a very easy answer which may well sound simplistic.... I followed my intuition... I did not plan a career - I did what my heart told me was the right thing to do......  which many times was not always the easiest thing to do.......

Sometimes things didn't go as I expected or wanted ..... and there have been times when I was very frustrated by that.... but for many years now I have gone with my heart and it all just sort of happened!

Difficult to explain - but I suppose at the core of what I have done in my working life has been to try and make a difference.... and to try and make as big a difference as possible. Social justice - trying my best to do the right thing for the world.... Sounds pretentious!!! 

I also know that I was pretty fearless..... not going for the secure option - going to a risky place.... being an entrepreneur.... and being able to do that....  following my passion..... and getting money - looking back over the years a lot of money - around 70% of the costs for a team of up to 22 people - that was a lot of money!

And now I start to prepare for the next stage of my life.................... how exciting!!!!!!

Saturday, March 08, 2014


..... am at home arrived from Paris this morning with Rene - we had stayed a couple of days with Alex and Lara - with Vaughn.... we had a lovely time..... we had come straight from Ghent - that was a very good conference ..... our penultimate SiS Catalyst conference - good, hard work - but that's what it's all about!

I have been thinking a lot about the future - my life will be so different in a year - no conferences to arrange - no more work travelling - having said that I am sure that I will be doing both - working and travelling - but what and where - who knows!!!!

I feel I need to think about what I would like to do - maybe put some irons into the fire - but then to wait and see what the Universe has in store for me - I do feel increasingly excited about the unknown..... I also know that when something comes along - I must follow my heart... and to ensure that I listen to my heart..... the heart's voice can be quite soft and gentle...... So the most important thing for me is to ensure that I stay tuned in to the voice of my heart in order to hear what I should do....... Well it has worked beautifully up to now!

But tonight I go a dear friends birthday party - then see my Mum - Jimmy, Rene and Gilly for dinner - then a week at work then off again to Peru.

My heart feels happy! xxxx