I had a visit this morning by some of the WP Team. It was lovely to see them. I am beginning to recognise that the world does go on. Don’t feel ready yet to get too involved but I can see a time when I will be able to. Which is good.
The postman came with the book I ordered from Amazon, which strangely enough was a hardback secondhand book about Scottish Highlanders. This came as a real surprise - I order another one at the same time so I await with anticipation to see what else turns up!
Rob’s been round and we sorted some clothes. He’s now clearing out the car and we will take it to be valetted. He met Stella in the pub last night and she said; “It doesn’t get any harder.” Which is good.
Jimmy’s friend Richard came round last night and got the microphone working on the computer so I spoke to Renata in Varazdin this morning. Dejan is an Astrophysicist!