Sunday, March 25, 2012

Connecting with people....

.... happens beautifully - and I am increasingly seeing that they all come with a purpose - which is much bigger than me or my individual need to connect with another person...... a lot here to unravel!

Jackie Coleman said to me several years ago - Everyone is in your life for a 'Reason' and a 'Season.' I liked this then and still like it now...  I believe that everyone is in my life for a purpose (for me to learn) and they are in my life for a period of time - be that short or long. Their leaving sometimes being where the big learning occurs - like Chris's sudden death.

So I am increasingly living my life on the basis that everyone around me - close and far - are in my life for a reason (for me to learn from). This means that I welcome everyone into my life - and those who know me - see the smile! It doesn't matter if they are in my life for a moment or a lifetime - they are in my life and we are connected. I think have been doing this for quite a while - but not really recognising what I was doing. It does mean that I go very deep, very quickly with anyone who responds and is open to the connection........

I was thinking about how these connections just happen - with a lot of extraordinary circumstances - when the phone rang - and I had a wonderful conversation with one of my 'daughters' about consciously connecting. We also talked about breathing - and how inspiration (breathing in ) is 50% of breathing - but that it is hard to recognise the process of 'inspiration' - especially within ourselves.

Then I came back to the computer and stumbled on Youtube - to hear a piece all about soul connections - which just made so much sense to me...... Love it - so I am increasingly clear that the connections I make - the deep and profound - the very quick/spontaneous - are soul connections... wow love, love, love it - and it makes beautiful sense to me!!!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

in bed drinking tea.....

....decided I was dehydrated so have been drinking pots of herbal tea... I am home, it's Saturday morning and I'm just slobbing in bed - and it feels great!!!!

Last week was hard - I have accepted that and am glad of it - there were lots of reasons and I did struggle to stay happy - I also saw clearly the consequences of not being happy  - dark clouds of despair negative and heavy - building up around me.....  and it was really good to see them - to recognise them - and then to have the strength to look directly at them and to blow them away.

Which was what I did.... and it was amazing - it was like the world lifted and the sun shone just for me, and my heart space became open and I remembered how beautiful it is to be happy!

So today I am going to see my Mum - we will go and buy teabags for Robbie - tonight I'm going out with Margaret to meet Hector and tomorrow I go to Croatia.... and I am happy again!

It was good to see the dark clouds though, and what was really, really good was to recognise that I was building them up - by letting negativity get through to me - once I realised that I was doing that - getting rid of them was easy.

I still don't know what I want to happen in my future but that's OK - that's part of the lesson of acceptance - not knowing is fantastic - just being is perfection - and smiling is contagious! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

One of those wierd nights.......

..... after a hard couple of days at work - mind buzzing tonight!!!!

I feel that I have so much going on - in so many 'levels' - of my life - it feels a little bit overwhelming - but also tonight it feels more than a little bit wonderful......
I have struggled a bit with the day to day- since Colombia - jet lag combined with going to Barcelona - plus understanding (or trying to understand) where I have been - plus work - and good work - but also quite heavy and draining......

Yes - it has been heavy and draining - these last 10 days....

But all good!!!! Today has been a hard day - yet several times I have heard very strong messages about the need to stay positive - it has been wierd as none of them were directed at me - but over-heard snippets between others, on the radio and about somene else....

... but their message was about the importance for me to stay positive.... and happy...

.. which I am not finding easy.... but beloved blogg - yes I know it is what I need to do.... to be positive - for if I am not - all I get back is negativity.... wow so true!!!!

OK - so am knackered - good recognise that... am happy - though it is not the easiest state of mind to be in!

But yes I CAN - and AM beautifully positive - only way to be..............................

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Turning around and off again!

Feeling a bit rushed - haven't really found my feet and I'm off again tomorrow  - but it's OK - felt quite wobbly yesterday but tonight feel good - though I know I'm still a bit jet lagged from Colombia as I feel wide awake now at 11 - but know I will struggle at 6 tomorrow morning!

The important things are good - my Mum, and my boys - Jim and I had a truly delicious tea tonight - we decided it was the best meal I had cooked for a long time - pretty cool hey! And I talked to both Rob and Alex - and have touched base with others close to my heart - so good.... But I also recognise that it will take a while to come down to earth after the last three weeks  - but as I'm off again tomorrow I know I'm not giving my self much time to process one set of feelings, thoughts and emotions before setting off in a completely different direction.

So that's a clear thought - and writing that has made me know that I need to consciously stop - when I can  - in the next few days - and  take the moment to clear all the busyness and just be me.

OK I can do that!

I love my blogg because it helps me think clearly! I can meditate most anywhere - and that's what I must make time to do - just go to my heart space and take the time to just be..... nothing else - just be me - here and now - and you can do that anywhere!

Buffff!!!!! Isn't being just beautiful...................

Friday, March 02, 2012

Leaving Columbia...

.... I have been amazed by the beauty of this country and the warmth of my welcome which has continued over the last lovely week. We have been travelling - driving on roads - an adventure! Staying in old villages with dancing horses and moto rickshaws providing street performances in the evenings - meeting people and hearing stories - walking on high paths through green lush countryside enchanted by birds and insects of many colours - enjoying such richness with an open heart and great pleasure - but now I must go home.....

Like the best holidays you get to the stage when you know it's over and it's time to go home and you must start closing off from this world and begin to prepare for the return to the old world.... but like the best holidays and best adventures - I know I go back a different person - my heart is full of immense gratitude for the wonderful time I have had - and I have learnt so much - about myself and my journey and I am filled with great happiness - how amazingly lucky am I?

So a shower, breakfast, a drive around the lakes of El Pinol then to the airport......... then home.