Chris used to listen to the radio all the time, Radio 4 during the day and the World Service during the night. Some nights he would get very little sleep with the nagging, wearisome pain. He would sometimes be grumpy in the mornings but he never complained, it was part of his life. Both things pain and Radio 4/the World Service.
The time before the funeral I didn’t listening to the radio but as I lay in bed early last Tuesday I decided to switch on Chris’s radio – it was Bob Dylan singing “Knock, knock knocking on Heaven’s door’. I thought this can’t be Radio 4 but then I heard John Humphrey’s voice – the piece was about the most popular pieces of music to be played at funerals.
Our task for last Tuesday was to choose the music for Chris’s funeral.
So today Jim and I have just been and bought a little CD/radio for next to my bed. I chose the one that had the largest clock display so I will be also able to tell the time!