I am, pleased to say Christmas is over. Though I think it went well – it was lovely to spend time with my parents and sons – I felt like an honorary boy – and this was compounded by sleeping in my childhood bed. I think the last time I would have slept there was before I got married – over 32 years ago – the room hadn’t changed at all – different wallpaper but I sure the lampshade and the furniture are the same – including the holiday souvenirs from Klagenfurt which I brought back when I was 13. Mum and Dad’s house is basically the same as was when I lived there. Thought a lot about that whilst away – thinking about the 16 year old Tricia.
Had a bit of a strop on Boxing Day as I felt we hadn’t talked about Chris enough – so full of too much beer I had a bit of a weepy but I felt better afterwards. I know my parents are in their late 80s and didn’t really want to talk about Chris dying but as Ian said – he was becoming a huge elephant in the corner of the room! Fiona, Ian and Becki came over yesterday which was lovely – thinking back I recall Ian and I have got a bit pissed together on other Boxing Days!
Anyway home now - Aziz and Jamal due soon with Pat, Nita and Neil coming for tea. The house is really cold and I have lit the fire but Kipper’s happy on his new bed.