I told her about Jimmy’s text – which had I recieved on landing in Boston – wishing me a good trip. When I thanked him on the phone – he told me he had put his alarm on for 7.30 on the day I left - so he could text me and it would only cost him 12p! I was very touched by this as it showed how much he had thought it through - me going away - him concerned about me – but also being cautious with his money - he is his Father’s son!
We talked a lot about Chris but we also talked about her experiences of living in New York. America is such a country of contrasts.
Trish, Mary and Janine shopped ‘til they dropped and got me Gilly’s boots which was good. We went for another amazing meal – and all managed to stay awake until 10!
Charlie is due to pick us up shortly and then we will have to start working!