Friday, November 03, 2006

The walk with Jimmy yesterday was quite hard, as I had chosen to walk next to the Leeds Liverpool canal, which was quite close to the kennels.

We had found canals over 10 years ago and travelling on a narrow boat was the perfect way for Chris to get into the countryside and the pub! Over the years we have had some of best times on canal holidays. Of course Chris being Chris he had his CEVNI - European Code for Inland Waterways, Code Europeen des Voies de la Navigation Interieure! I think my favourite Christmas was the one we spent on a narrow boat – just the five of us – breaking the ice on Boxing Day.

Anyway the walk by the side of the canal was quite emotional and I linked arms with Jimmy and had a good weep. Done a lot of that this week. We then had a pub lunch and took the dog to the kennels – it was strange not going IPWD this morning!

Off now to the 60th Wedding Anniversary weekend.