I thought I might just crack it this Tuesday morning but no – awoke at exactly 6.00. No getting away from the exact time with my new Alarm/CD player.
So I spent my hour thinking backwards and forwards – thinking back about how far I’ve moved on from the other Tuesday mornings – thinking forward to next Tuesday – in a B&B with Gilly somewhere – the next one – my last day before I go back to work – the next one an early start for the train to London – so from that awful Tuesday morning to an normal Tuesday morning. Let’s hope so.
Got out of bed to go IPWD but his time away, eating his bed and too many herbal sleeping pills have severely disagreed with him so I went IKWM (In Kitchen With Mop) yuuggh!
Today the Americans go to the polls. I find the timing of the sentencing of Sadaam so manipulative but Hey what did I expect!
Off to the Park and then I am going to sort Chris’s work papers out – feels the right day for that.
For sort out Chris's work papers read throw out Chris's work papers. I will recycle the paper but the work is done.