I had managed to wrongly set the time on the new CD/alarm clock and Jim and I overslept this morning. This was as a consequence of Rob and I switching off the electricity on Tuesday to fit a new reading lamp to the wall.
This reminded me of how Chris and I re-wired this house – twenty odd years ago. Chris had A level Physics, the Book of Regulations for England and Wales and I had the step ladder! Still the same wiring, checked out by an electrician when we had the kitchen extension done 10 or so years ago.
I’m doing my best not to be negative, grumpy and anti-social at the moment but not succeeding well. As people keep telling me it’s early days and I will have bad patches.
I’m looking forward to my parents 60th tomorrow but I also think it will be quite hard as the vast majority of our extended family will be there.
Jim has a half day on Thursday and we will take the dog for a walk before putting him in kennels for the weekend. As it’s bonfire night I will ask them to give him several herbal sleeping pills each evening as he goes frantic with the bangs. I have chosen a kennels in the middle on nowhere.