First day over – flowers in my office, fancy coffee and lots of smiles – thank you.
Spent most of the day working out the new email and diary system though did get as far as starting a ‘Task list’ by the afternoon – which I think was pretty good. Think I’ll have a clear out tomorrow – I’ve got quite good at re-cycling paper recently! Off out tonight for the ‘Boston Tea Party’ aka ‘An informal feedback session’ Emy and Margaret briefing the four of us who are going to Boston the first week in December. I had some lovely emails from American friends today and then when I came home more from other friends thinking about me on my first day back.
Lindsey said I should have had my picture taken in the front garden – like those ‘First day at Big School’ photos I have got x3 beautiful boys – it was like that – my first day of being the new me!
I am a lucky person.