This one was like no other Friday.
The day at work was problematic – problems we could solve – but hard in terms of people.
A call from the Learning Mentor at the school who has put Jim forward for counselling from Barnado’s – on reflection - and this has been hard – the acceptance that Jim has grief – but also trauma – finding his Dad in the garden that day was a seriously traumatic thing to have done – and one which he does need to talk through - I feel bad that I didn’t differentiate between his grief of loss and trauma – anyway I am waiting for a call next week from someone who will hopefully enable Jim to have space to talk the two things through.
Four months on a lot of this blogg is about how I am coping and I do feel bad that I haven’t been able to think it through enough from Jim’s point of view. Having typed that I am aware that superficially Jim is doing OK – as am I. It’s a hard business trying to do everything!
Anyway I went dancing tonight – weird and wonderful dancing that involved me crying and dancing – still not certain what kind of dancing it was – but I really enjoyed it – thanks Jan .
After dancing I went to the pub with Rob and a couple of his friends and had a great impassioned discussions about women in history - borderline meaning of life stuff – which was really good.
Makes me think that Friday nights used to be quite mundane!