Monday, January 29, 2007
A good weekend
A run on Sunday – hard after two late nights but all the better for that – flopped out Sunday afternoon and watched Jimmy’s birthday present the DVD – Ray – which was a film I had wanted to see since Bob recommended it to me. I also read my two Birthday books – Panoramas of the NW from Ann which was lovely – views of so many places I know and a book on British wildlife from Alex – very appropriate for the RSPB bird watch weekend - followed by a game of Bridge with the boys and Sunday tea. A happy weekend – which was good.
I also talked through the counselling for Jim and think I probably am being a bit hard on myself – I felt very bad on Friday that I hadn’t pushed for it before – but maybe we had enough to do before now – and that the time is right now. It is difficult to know what is the right thing to do – but that’s what being a parent is all about!
Anyway a new working week - Renata’s here on Thursday and I’m looking forward to that!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Friday night
The day at work was problematic – problems we could solve – but hard in terms of people.
A call from the Learning Mentor at the school who has put Jim forward for counselling from Barnado’s – on reflection - and this has been hard – the acceptance that Jim has grief – but also trauma – finding his Dad in the garden that day was a seriously traumatic thing to have done – and one which he does need to talk through - I feel bad that I didn’t differentiate between his grief of loss and trauma – anyway I am waiting for a call next week from someone who will hopefully enable Jim to have space to talk the two things through.
Four months on a lot of this blogg is about how I am coping and I do feel bad that I haven’t been able to think it through enough from Jim’s point of view. Having typed that I am aware that superficially Jim is doing OK – as am I. It’s a hard business trying to do everything!
Anyway I went dancing tonight – weird and wonderful dancing that involved me crying and dancing – still not certain what kind of dancing it was – but I really enjoyed it – thanks Jan .
After dancing I went to the pub with Rob and a couple of his friends and had a great impassioned discussions about women in history - borderline meaning of life stuff – which was really good.
Makes me think that Friday nights used to be quite mundane!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
It's Thursday already!
Felt I could concentrate for longer and got on with things at work. Also at home Jim and I have got a good jog along teatime weekday evenings sorted and the week has flown by – which is a bit of a first!
As I feel more positive I again think that this blogg is a bit self indulgent but that’s also probably a good thing. Still enjoy putting my thoughts down and as I enjoy it – I think I should continue it.
Alex’s coming home this weekend which is nice and going out for a meal on Saturday night with the girls. Don’t know what I’m doing Sunday yet – but don’t feel too worried.
Monday, January 22, 2007
The week after my birthday!
Friday night was hard - thanks Deirdre and Margaret – I’m glad I was doing something different but I know I wasn’t a bundle of laughs. Saturday a different meal around at my neighbours James and Fiona’s which was lovely - I enjoyed it but again I don’t think I was the life and soul of the party.
Yesterday 18 of us for dinner in the Red Fort – I was more relaxed by Sunday – so it felt more normal – though it was something that I had never done before on my birthday.
I have also become increasingly aware of how my friends have been looking after me these last couple of weeks – the thought that went into my presents –the attention to detail – the ‘little things’ - Chris would have been proud of you all!
Anyway back at work today – interviewing all day – so knackered tonight - hoping that now the birthday week is over I can just be a bit more normal – in the post Chris world that is my normality now. Not a bad place to be but still feeling a bit alien!
Friday, January 19, 2007
My Birthday
Have just been out for a meal with Deirdre and Margaret – which was lovely – though I know I was a bit subdued and probably not the best of company - anyway looking at my watch it is now after 12 and no longer my birthday – great!
I am going out for a meal tomorrow/today and again for Sunday lunch – so thanks family and friends – I know you are with me!
Birthdays are weird at the best of times!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Thursdays are better than Tuesdays
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Thinking through Good/Bad Days
Thought about the Good Day/Bad Day thing on the drive back and then re-read some of my blogg.
… and what I have got out of this thinking is Good Day/Bad Days are relative.
Today was a Bad Day – I was wobbly at work – struggled to concentrate – but controlled it - still did my job – actually did some good stuff. The Bad Day was relative – I couldn’t have focussed for 20 seconds in the early days and wasn’t really working coherently before Christmas.
… and I also thought that had Chris been around I would still have had a Bad Day at work and struggled to concentrate – I also think that I am much more aware of my state of mind at the moment.
What I do miss is having my safety valve at home – Chris – and I suppose this Bad Day has been building up all week and I haven’t been able to say ‘You know what Chris I’m having a bad week at work this week!’ To which he would have replied ‘Get your priorities right – Newcastle is currently being beaten 3:1 by Birmingham’ – current score as I type!
So where does this get me – I’m doing OK – looking back to where I’ve been - Chris would have been proud of me!
Everyone has Bad Days – particularly in the third week in January and particularly just before their Birthday – so don’t take it personally.
Accept the Bad Days – they will pass – and as Trish said to me today at work. I need to accept that I have a way to go – and as the days get better – the days that are bad shouldn’t be blown out of proportion.
So let’s hope tomorrow is a better day!
Good Days and Bad Days
Apparently this is the most depressing week in the year – so that might have something to do with it – or it could be because it’s my birthday on Friday or it could be just be a Bad Day in a Bad Week – and like all the people say – that’s what it’s like!
Anyway – I am writing this blogg at work – which is a first – just struggling to focus on the job in hand. Think I’ll have a cup of tea and maybe play with my new phone for a bit – and maybe after these displacement activities - I’ll feel more like concentrating.
Hope so!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Sorting out Sundays!
And today was a good Sunday – started with a run IPWD – had a weep as I ran – which was good – people think I’m just running into the wind! - at the end I met neighbour Mike and had a good chat with him – told him about the running weep – and it made me think that I am probably a bit too focused on myself at the moment – which was a good set of thoughts.
Then went for another walk at Hale – walked some of the Mersey Way with Aziz, Jamal and Gilly – we talked about how their Dad Heff had been part of the team which made that walk – which was special.
Then back home and Gilly and I sorted out a roast dinner and watch half the Johnny Cash DVD before and half after. So all in all a good Sunday.
Feeling a bit stiff tonight – as is Kipper – which is not surprising as we have had quite an energetic day!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Friday night - the end of a working week!
But by and large OK.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Back at work 2
Monday, January 08, 2007
Back at work
Have decided I need to do something about Sundays – as I think they are the most difficult day for me now - I still have the run with the dog routine but after that the day drags – Chris and I used to have people round for a meal most Sundays - but recognising a problem is always the most difficult part of solving it – so Sundays will have to change!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
This is a photograph of Granny on her 90th birthday.

I then went for lunch with my Mum, three sisters, Sophie, Becki and Linda. I gave Ann and Jenny matching brooches I had bought at the Lady Lever Gallery jewellery exhibition last week. Then I had my hair cut – Paula’s Mother and brother both died in December so we had good conversation about the meaning of life and matching jewellery!
Think I’ll go and light a fire – and watch the Liverpool match with Alex.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
The start of a New Year
This is how the old year finished – with Aziz, Jamal and Kipper on the beach – blowing a gale but having fun - am feeling very positive at the moment – at the start of a new year and am pleased to feel like this. Back to work on Friday - Alex goes to Cambridge at the weekend – it’s been lovely having him home – not just for me but also for Jimmy and the physics and maths!
Starting to plan ahead – my summer holidays – I always liked to plan them at this time of year – a week in Scotland with Aziz, Jamal and Alex and then we will go visiting – Kipper and me!
Finally got around to reading the Scottish Highlanders book and have been amazed – the book is currently focused on where the writer’s ancestors came from – and have realised that it is the bit that Gilly and I stayed when we were away – right down to the one obscure road we went on – which passed the house we he and his various forefathers/mothers lived - that seems coincidental!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Welcoming in the New Year.
We toasted Aziz being 13 in 2007, them moving to a new house and our planned holiday in Scotland – 3 good toasts.
Kipper was well doped though still had a shaking fit at midnight with the fireworks but is struggling not to sleep with the coal fire, herbal sleeping pills and a long walk on Formby beach combo!
I now start a new year without Chris – something I could not have foreseen last year. Feel a bit weepy now but will wait till the fighting finishes and then with a big breath return to the lovely company of the two young men in the front room and appreciate how lucky I am.