Dear Mum
It's Sunday morning here in Melbourne and it is raining cats and dogs!
I am coming to the end of my stay here in Australia and I’m surprised
how emotional I’m finding it. I am really quite sad to be leaving as I
have had such a really special time here.
Last night Kerry invited some friends round for dinner, I made a chicken casserole, which I have to say was very good and Kerry made Pavlova which was absolutely delicious. Here is a photo of Kerry and me and the pavlova.
We then played cards, Kerry and her friends play solo but they had never played estimation whist, so I taught them how to play Matches and we had a grand old time. it reminded me of playing cards as a child with you and dad and my sisters, and the many happy hours playing cards with my own boys.
In the morning we had been to the Queen Victoria market, it is such a lovely market, really huge with stalls selling everything. We bought the ingredients for the dinner and then I bought lots of little souvenirs to take with me to India.
India - yes the next leg of my journey is India! I will leave here on Tuesday evening and fly to Ahmedabad via Abu Dhabi. My friends in India have planned a very full two weeks for me. I will be based in Ahmedabad with trips to various villages to meet people and to see some of their work, so my amazing journey continues!!! In the market I bought lots of pencils and pens with koalas, kangaroos and other images of Australia on them, to give out to the children that I will meet on my travels.
I feel amazingly blessed, I have been made so incredibly welcome here and now there is another group of wonderful people planning exciting things for me to do in India. I just feel so grateful and appreciative , especially for the people who are in my life.
It is Mother’s Day here in Australia and Kerry will be going to visit her Mum this afternoon and I really miss seeing my lovely Mum! It’s nice to write you letters and hear how you are getting on from the others, but I am really looking forward to seeing you at the end of the month . I will be over to see you in the last weekend in May!
Hoping you are well and happy and I am sending you great big hug from Melbourne.......
Lots and lots and lots of love my lovely Mum - Tricia xxxxx
Last night Kerry invited some friends round for dinner, I made a chicken casserole, which I have to say was very good and Kerry made Pavlova which was absolutely delicious. Here is a photo of Kerry and me and the pavlova.
We then played cards, Kerry and her friends play solo but they had never played estimation whist, so I taught them how to play Matches and we had a grand old time. it reminded me of playing cards as a child with you and dad and my sisters, and the many happy hours playing cards with my own boys.
In the morning we had been to the Queen Victoria market, it is such a lovely market, really huge with stalls selling everything. We bought the ingredients for the dinner and then I bought lots of little souvenirs to take with me to India.
India - yes the next leg of my journey is India! I will leave here on Tuesday evening and fly to Ahmedabad via Abu Dhabi. My friends in India have planned a very full two weeks for me. I will be based in Ahmedabad with trips to various villages to meet people and to see some of their work, so my amazing journey continues!!! In the market I bought lots of pencils and pens with koalas, kangaroos and other images of Australia on them, to give out to the children that I will meet on my travels.
I feel amazingly blessed, I have been made so incredibly welcome here and now there is another group of wonderful people planning exciting things for me to do in India. I just feel so grateful and appreciative , especially for the people who are in my life.
It is Mother’s Day here in Australia and Kerry will be going to visit her Mum this afternoon and I really miss seeing my lovely Mum! It’s nice to write you letters and hear how you are getting on from the others, but I am really looking forward to seeing you at the end of the month . I will be over to see you in the last weekend in May!
Hoping you are well and happy and I am sending you great big hug from Melbourne.......
Lots and lots and lots of love my lovely Mum - Tricia xxxxx