Sunday, May 10, 2015

Loving the learning - and recognising both the happiness and the sadness

It's my last few days in Melbourne and I have a morning to myself which has meant I could catch up on my blogg and write to my Mum etc....  all good stuff!

I have been using my time here in Australia and New Zealand, to reflect on what I want to do in the future.....   and that was the learning that I wanted to come out of this journey.

But in the last couple of weeks I have actually felt more confused about what I want to do in the future.......... however what has becoming increasingly clear to me is that I need to get myself more prepared to go through the doors that I know will be opening for me in the future.

I do have faith and certainty - I am totally certain that these doors will appear ......  the uncertainty is that I have very little idea what these doors will actually look like!

My first bit of learning from my time here - is that these are new doors  - opportunities will appear and will come in ways and forms that I don't know and can't foresee -  and I have to become completely comfortable with that. It must be perfect to have no idea what these doors will look like, what is behind them or where they will lead........

This is an important piece of learning as I have been trying to predict what the doors will look like - based on my previous work etc - but I am now moving into uncharted territory - and cannot know what it looks like!

So that is my first bit of learning -  I will embrace the fact that I have no idea what the doors of opportunity will look like or where they will lead........ and I will be excited and fearless about the unknown!

The second piece of learning is that I now need to prepare myself more as an independent operator.  In some ways I have already started this - planning to leave the University, my flat in Liverpool etc but what I must also do is to prepare myself with the tools that I will need to be independent.  I have been focusing on the leaving Liverpool stuff and the time has now come to prepare myself for this one woman future and the unknown options - but there are some basic prerequisites that a professional independent business requires - so I will start there and see what happens!

It's funny, but of course other people see things that you don't, several people have been telling me this for quite a while but I just wasn't ready to hear. Learning is all about being ready for the next step, and you just cannot learn something until you are ready.  The details of this are not yet clear to me, however the next steps are.

So I will take this knowledge with me to India on Tuesday, use my time there  to learn more.....  and then back to Liverpool, (briefly!) and a plan is being formed!

But all journeys involved partings....... and today I have also been thinking about the transient nature of relationships.  A friend once told me  that people come into your life ' for a reason and a season'  and  that is so true.  The 'season' for some people in my life, like my mother - has been my whole life, and for others the  'season' has been for a much shorter period. The 'reason'  for people being in my life is not always clear at the time but thinking about my time here, I can see people who have really helped me learn -  and that's what it's all about -  however many people there are in your journey, the learning you do on your own!!!

So  feeling blessed,  feeling happy - consciously happy, but also recognising and cherishing the beauty of sadness of the transitory nature of our humanity.

Thank you blogg!