Well I feel truly miserable and sorry for myself tonight – but I know it’s because it’s my turn to have the sore throat, yucky virus that Jim and half of work had/have.
It’s also another first – the first time I’ve been feeling poorly without a Chris to have a moan at!
What really made me upset was this morning when I went into work and I met someone in the lift – I was feeling pretty shitty and they said – ‘Oh I can hear you‘ve got a bad throat’. It was true my voice was croaky but what made me upset was – that they were the first person I had talked to – big tears now – really milking this one blogg! - but with Jim was on half term and still in bed - I hadn’t met Mike IPWD - it just made me so aware that I had no Chris to have a morning conversation with.
So am feeling sorry for myself – but that’s very natural when you feel bad – but feel better for writing my blogg – this is the substitute for going on at Chris – who probably wouldn’t have appreciated me feeling rough – he always said I was a horrible invalid – ‘cos I fought being one! So an early night and I am sure like Jim I’ll be on much better form in a day or two.
Feel better already for having told someone – my blogg!