Sunday, May 27, 2012


.................. with my future .... and with everything... buffff!!!!!

It's Sunday night - the weather today (and for several days)  has been extraordinarily beautiful - sunny - but more than sunny - amazingly/heart warmingly sunny!!!

I had a very lazy morning and then sorted out some storage boxes for Jim (for him to move into my tiny flat)  - he goes to Spain on Tuesday - we will overlap a bit - but from this summer he will leave Liverpool - still waiting confirmation where - but today I did feel a big feeling of transition.......... I love his going but recognise that I will really miss his presence - he has been so very close to me over the last few months/years.

After moving stuff - Jim and I went to the pub and talked over beer and a following meal - it was lovely. Unexpectedly I felt quite emotional - it was all un-planned - but that was good. We sorted out practical stuff - he will be here at mine - when I am not..... probably with Rachel most of the time - so keys etc are sorted.

So I am feeling lighter............ recognising another gossamer thread connection to my old life is  moving on....

But also wondering where my life will take me? But loving the fact it could be anywhere!!!!!!!!!