Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Crazy pace of change..............

Know I'm not the only one ... in fact think it is all of us... but the pace of change is truly quite extraordinary at the moment!!!!!

Am OK - but do feel like that there is so much happening around, with and to me - that it is sometimes difficult to feel any kind of certainty... but also recognise, relish and love the fact that there is no certainty - wow - change is just happening - so let's enjoy it!!!

I can clearly see that if you stop - for what ever reason - then you move from being part of the 'flow' to a 'blockage ' - from being in a raft going down the rapidly flowing river - to being a rock in the river!

Doing my best to 'go with the flow' but also recognising I am so blessed to be me - to be this woman who is living her life - and enjoying every second of it - way to go!

That doesn't mean that it is easy - because it hasn't been recently - but I do feel beautifully happy - if sometimes hanging on by my finger tips to the edge of the raft!

But way to go - who wants to be a rock - with everything swirling and moving past us? Not me!!!