Tuesday, January 17, 2012

making intentions.....

....it's the middle of the night and I have been awake for ages - don't feel unhappy but just don't seem to be able to sleep... have been thinking and setting my intentions... love it!!

Love the process - the pulling together of the whirling thoughts and ideas which swirl around all of us like a snowstorm of tiny diamonds - and then focusing in and shaping something tangible out of this..... identifying form out of the glittering fog - making it solid as a thought - an intention - then seeing clearly a path of action which leads from this..... but also knowing that the course of action many times means walking forward into the unknown - not having fear - just taking the first step. Feeling what to do rather than thinking or knowing what to do - following the road that my heart leads me to - using the happiness factor as my compass!

Sometimes it is a very quick process sometimes it takes a long time - looking back I think years!!

My intention tonight is to become a master of the process and to do it more consciously.... well now I have set my intention - I need to sleep - maybe to dream......