Having particularly upsetting time at work at the moment – lots of stuff which I’m taking personally – and ending up struggling to see the woods for the trees – hopefully will be the other side of things in a couple of weeks.
Anyway today I have made a couple of decisions – I'm applying for a course in July – which if I get on it will be good – feeling very strongly that I need to move onto other things. Today when I felt really low I had a call from my colleague/friend from Glasgow which was really good – but reinforced this feeling that I do need to move on.
The other thing I have decided today is to join Facebook – I will keep my blogg – as this is me – reflecting on where I’m up to and in many ways replacing ‘Chris conversations’ – the Facebook is not that at all - but me day to day - though am not really sure yet - so far I have one friend – but welcome any blogg readers to become my second one!
Jimmy did 2 of his maths exams today and was positive tonight - which is really good. I'm so holding my breath on this one.......