And I have been to Estabans with Les, Ruth & Erica - Gilly is working a strange shift to midnight tonight. I do like Estabans - I like tapas - my size of food - and the atmosphere and service etc is really nice. So a good Friday night.
Today like most of June and so far in July it has rained - today it has just rained all day. Wasn't at work- though didn't do anything much at all - shopping, washing but beyond that nothing - and my brain feels a bit like nothing too.
This summer is so different from normal - I usually work continuously and then take a good three weeks off and we would go away - Spain, Croatia - travelling, boats and beaches. This year I'm going to be off but bitty days and going away a few days here and there. I have planned - or more likely it has just happened like this - and in some ways I'm happy that I'm doing things so differently - though in other ways I would like to be going off on a proper holiday. But I suppose I'm living my life differently to how I used to live and that's what I must accept. I wont be switching off from work this year like I usually do, but again this is probably good as work gives my life a structure to live around. at the moment.
Anyway - it's Friday night and I'm tired - not unhappy - though a bit sad - tomorrow I'm running the 5K Run for Life at Aintree Race Course and having a barbecue. Next week Becki and I go to Amsterdam - now that's something I wouldn't have thought about doing last year - but I'm looking forward to it. Counting my blessings and recognising that things are different but I'm lucky to be me.