Sunday, April 08, 2007

Bit more cheerful

It’s Easter Sunday and Jim and I have spent the afternoon sorting out the back garden – it looks and feels good.

Felt a lot better today – spent a bit of time this afternoon re-reading some of the blogg – seeing it in black and white made me appreciate how far we’ve come. I am also aware that I write the blogg quite often when I’m feeling down and that most of the time am not as miserable as I seem to be!

Anyway feel happier tonight – have been thinking about change – I am starting to want change but also feel the comfort of things being the same – all be it different – that doesn’t make much sense! But what I mean to say is - I increasingly know I need to change my life – but at the same time I am reluctant to do so.

All the advice I have listened to says – don’t make changes to quickly – though in many ways changes occur naturally – for example the new bathroom seemed a good idea but the knock on effect is more change and like Jim when facing these I’m not sure I like it – but today I think I should make changes - nothing radical for a bit but accept that changes are good – even though in some ways they distance me from my life with Chris.

I suppose the Counsellors would have a name for this stage – I don’t know what it is but I feel that these small changes are preludes to bigger ones – but isn’t that what life is about?