Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bedrooms and changes

Spend today moving Jimmy into his new bedroom – something that both of us had got quite nervous about – but it was fine – we have had a really good today – putting together his new big double bed and sorting stuff – and Jimmy himself commented that his old bedroom was really pretty disgusting and how his new one was so much better – so I am pleased that I pushed him into it.

It was more than a bedroom change as it involved him going through his past and moving on – we ended up at the Tip with about 7 bin bags of rubbish and all his GCSE papers are how in the re-cycling bag. We both had a good time going through his mementos of his childhood as that was what we actually doing – and all of them had involved his Dad in someway – but we had a happy day doing it – though both pretty knackered by this evening!

I had a wobble this morning when I started the process with Jimmy still in bed – as I found a bag of Chris’s clothes – I don’t know how they had got put away in a cupboard – but probably because they were ones I couldn’t bear to get rid of six months ago. I just filled up and sobbed when I found them. They are now in the bin. It was a shock to open this bin bag and to see the clothes and also to smell them.

The new shower is absolutely wonderful – I have had four in two days – so far – and I might even have another before I go to bed! Jimmy also loves it – the bathroom isn’t quite finished as it needs a new door and a bit more painting but it’s great.

Gilly came round last night and we had a barbie with Jim and then we sat outside with the new Chimnea and she told me all about Australia and I told her all about India – and it was a great evening. I’ve missed talking to Gilly and I am so pleased she had a trip of a life-time and such a wonderful time.

Yesterday I also went to Martin Mere with my parents and three sisters and saw a lot of ducks! It was lovely to see everyone but I wasn’t in very good form as I had found last week hard. I think I need to take things a bit easier for a bit – probably less so at home than at work – I was very exhausted by Friday evening and really quite wobbly.

So Sunday evening think I’ll try and take things easier at work – I don’t want to push myself into making mistakes and that’s what I’m worried about at the moment.