Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas is over....

..... and it was very lovely and enjoyable - my Mum came over to stay at mine - there was 6 of us staying in this little flat - but it was really, really good - 2 of my boys, Rachel and Lara - attentively looking after Mum - doing crosswords, making lots of cups of tea etc and cherishing her. She was brilliant - loving every second, being appreciative of everything and everybody - my eyes have suddenly welled up with tears as I write this - she is such an amazing, indomitable woman - I don't know how many more Christmas's she will have - but it was a joy to share this one with her - she described it as ' beautiful' - which felt very special to me.

We all went out for a meal on Christmas Eve - Fiona's family, Gilly and the 6 of us - then we all went to Fiona's for Christmas dinner - Ian prepared a feast for us - and Aidan delighted and charmed his big cousins and great grandmother. He is such a special little boy. Then yesterday another family party with Gilly, Evey and Michael and Michael's daughter - lots of laughter, love and as Evey wrote in a text to me this morning - 'What a lovely day we had yesterday - what more could we ask for than spending time with your Mum, family and friends - priceless.' I'm feeling very emotional again - just full of gratitude...... mantra brewing - how lucky am I? It is also so wonderful to be with others who are also so grateful - Mum, Evey, Michael - special, special!!!!

So I am now in my flat - Jimmy and Rachel cooking prawn salad - the two of them cooking companionably together - Jimmy's music playing - just about covering the noise of the washing machine, sorting myself out before tomorrow. Alex and Lara hopefully on a bus somewhere between Madrid and Gijon and Mum back in Abbeyfield - it was lovely when I took her home this morning - she said 'this feels like coming home' as she was greeted on her arrival, un-packing her presents - with only a fairly sketchy idea of which come from who - but holding them all dear.

I go dancing tomorrow in Spain - am really looking forward to switching off and just dancing - I want to use the opportunity to process the last few roller-coaster months and to be clearer what my intentions are for the future year. I will be dancing on a mountain top in the south of Spain - I danced in the new year of 2010 there - and that was the big/all change year for me!  Tomorrow I will be off again on another adventure - with my heart open,  fearless and with no idea what is awaiting me - wonderful!!!!