Tuesday, March 13, 2012

One of those wierd nights.......

..... after a hard couple of days at work - mind buzzing tonight!!!!

I feel that I have so much going on - in so many 'levels' - of my life - it feels a little bit overwhelming - but also tonight it feels more than a little bit wonderful......
I have struggled a bit with the day to day- since Colombia - jet lag combined with going to Barcelona - plus understanding (or trying to understand) where I have been - plus work - and good work - but also quite heavy and draining......

Yes - it has been heavy and draining - these last 10 days....

But all good!!!! Today has been a hard day - yet several times I have heard very strong messages about the need to stay positive - it has been wierd as none of them were directed at me - but over-heard snippets between others, on the radio and about somene else....

... but their message was about the importance for me to stay positive.... and happy...

.. which I am not finding easy.... but beloved blogg - yes I know it is what I need to do.... to be positive - for if I am not - all I get back is negativity.... wow so true!!!!

OK - so am knackered - good recognise that... am happy - though it is not the easiest state of mind to be in!

But yes I CAN - and AM beautifully positive - only way to be..............................