Sunday, January 10, 2010

A week into the new year........

From rainbows on a Spanish mountain top - to snow in a city - an unusual week!

A week of work, tucked up in the house, thrashing out the European proposal. Good thinking - and deep and relevant thinking for my future year. At the moment I don't know where my year will take me - it could go in so many directions - how extra-ordinary is that - wow I'm just so blessed.

But, I also know that I need to keep my feet firmly on the ground..... that was one of the very strong messages of Spain - to stay grounded. I think I have to do this in all aspects of my life - to consciously focus in on being grounded. I did this when I was dancing in Spain - and I know I need to dance like this for a while - and I think I can see how to do it in other aspects of my life, but there is a always a tendency to let oneself drift off.........................

OK - that sounds like a new years resolution, to consciously focus on staying grounded - good I hadn't made one yet - so that's my first. Though I have made some decisions about how I want to live my life over the coming year. Spanish is important - I want to spend as much time as I can in Spanish speaking countries in order to learn how to 'think' in Spanish. Family, friends and colleagues - the people in my life - are just so important, new and old, I do think I need to think through how I am consciously grounded in my relationships with them all. Work, I feel that I will go with my intuition, that doesn't sound very grounded but I have worked very intuitively for a long time now - so with work I will just continue like this. Teachers, yes, they are very important to me at this stage of my life, I need to respect my teachers but learning is a mixture of consciousness and intuition - so I will prioritise giving myself time to do both - I suppose that's a form of being grounded - giving oneself time.

But I smile at myself and the seriousness of my blogg - so I will give myself the time and freedom to have fun and to cherish and enjoy every second of this amazing thing called life!!!!!