Monday, December 28, 2009

Secret afternoon.....

Today I should have been dancing in Spain but after several hours hanging around Liverpool airport - my flight was cancelled due to the thick fog, which ironically broke into beautiful sunshine as I got the bus home!!

Standing in a huge long queue - I had the sense to phone Rob - who booked a flight for me tomorrow - so I got the bus home and have ended up having a lovely afternoon with Alex!

We lit a huge coal fire and watched the Dr Who Hamlet - though after a very early start this morning - I did doze through the middle bit.

Sitting on the sofa, basking in the coal fire, I also wrote a long letter to one of my teachers, which ended up reflecting on the last year - I really enjoyed writing it - can't remember when I last wrote a hand written letter.

It was just so good to take a few hours to reflect on my year - it has been such a roller-coaster of a year - looking back I am amazed at what I have done and become over the last year.

I wrote that I don't think I have changed - I think that I have just become more me! But I also recognise that this me - is a very different me to the one of three years ago - and having my parents here - and talking deep - different from the young me.

But basically they are all me - just different phases of my life - and I suppose that's what they are - phases in my life. What has happened over the last three years has accelerated this rate of change - I think I have gone through several phases of my life/development in just a few years.

Anyway Alex and I topped off the afternoon with a yummy macaroni cheese - Alex's favourite - in the front room - and off to Spain tomorrow but feeling that I have had a secret and special afternoon in my own house!