I had known there was a dancing Saturday coming up in Manchester but hadn’t realised it would be possible for me to make it - but I realised sometime during the week - that there was absolutely nothing to stop me – it was my choice - so I went and it was truly, truly wonderful.
It is difficult to explain to non dancers what we do but yesterday I spent 6 hours, 5 ½ hours as we did have a break in the middle, dancing. The theme of the day was the Body. Although we dance in a group and sometimes with a partner, we actually dance for ourselves. The teacher Andrew was amazing, the dancers were a mixture of groups and levels and I danced deeply and profoundly, probably the deepest I’ve ever danced. So a beautiful way to end my birthday week.
It did now however stop there, as I was invited to a birthday party last night, so soon after getting home I went out. It was a lovely party and I really enjoyed it but I struggled to keep my eyes open after midnight – all that dancing! – so I just came home. Time now for some serious Spanish, take the elderly dog for his constitutional and then I must go shopping – we are about four days into absolutely nothing to eat in the house – obviously except yogurt and honey!