Another busy week, our second in the new building but it's still a real mess. Too busy to have any profound thoughts - but maybe that's an indication that things are OK!
Have been downloading Chris's CDs of music onto the extra hard disc that Rob put on the computer. It's going to be a long process as they are all currently just Track 1,2,3 etc and I'm typing in the track and artist before downloading. But I think it's important - I would hate for the CDs to get lost or unusable for any reason and not to have a copy of them.
I'm also starting to remix my own CDs, at the moment only for dancing, but once I have them all on the computer - I'll be able to make my own playlists and CDs - I'm look forward to doing that. But they will be my compilations with some of Chris's, some of Jimmy's, Hannah's - so my music!
As the perceived non musical member of this family - I'm happy to be making my own choices and preferences. Couldn't have done it without Chris - but I suppose that's the story of my life!