Or is day 23 – not quite sure. I am thoroughly enjoying culture shock and although Fiona is having a great time I think she is finding it quite hard.

Yesterday we did temples, monkeys, handicraft emporium and an evening out on our own – we got lost and ended up walking through dark streets, with people sleeping, life on the street and dogs. In retrospect we should have got a crazy yellow taxi but we didn’t and ended up stumbling into a restaurant that a friend of Mike had recommended and after waiting a while to get in – we had the best curry we have ever had in our lives.
Today we had an amazing time with two young men Khan and Anwar – we went to the Victorian Pavilion and then across the river and then on an auto rickshaw to the botanical gardens where we saw a Banyan tree which is over 250 years old.
What more can I say – India is amazing…………………………. See below

And then on the way back there was a herd of goats on the main dual carriageway!