Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Am just beginning to stop whirling - after what has been one of the most intense few days on top of what seems like weeks of running to catch up with myself!!!! I came to Zagreb seeking clarity - and can see that I am beginning to find it - I can also see it growing in the wonderful SiS Catalyst family - as we make our journey of learning together. Capturing learning is what we have been trying to do here - because we cannot share our learning unless we clearly see it ourselves. Our aim is to mobilise our mutual/shared learning - and to do this we must find ways to take the individually owned and understood 'Aha' moment of clarity and to enable this to go global! 10 million hits minimum! OK so if the destination has become clearer - the path to the destination is still obscure - but to know where we are going is a very, very important first step - hurray!!!!!! We are getting there!!!!!!!!