Sunday, April 01, 2012

My Mother and positive thinking................

Peaceful Sunday - after a bit of boozy night last night -  was out with Gilly and Fiona - we drank lots of wine and talked and it was lovely!! And today after a lazy morning, I went over to my Mum's and we went for a walk around Shakerley Mere.

It is one of her old favourites - though I don't think she has done for a while, definitely not since my Dad died. It is a mile walk, on the flat, around a lovely little mere. Which in this extraordinary weather, we are having, was just breath-takingly beautiful and the pleasure of walking it with my Mum was intense. She and I just treasured and savoured every tree bursting with green shoots and/or blossom, listened and watched the birds singing, the colours, especially the greens!, the sunshine..... it was just so good to be with her - as we ENJOYED IT SO MUCH. It was special. We talked about last year, my Dad dying and her positive attitude to life, we talked a bit about my life but she gets a bit muddled about who's who and where I've been/am going - so we just agree that I am very lucky and have a fantastic job!!!

Then we went back to her new home - and it is lovely to see her happy and comfortable there - and she is also eating - really, really well. She is happy, content and very grateful for everything in her life - which is perfect. We were sitting outside, having a cup of tea, when she said an interesting thing - which I have been thinking about since. She was reflecting on her lifetime and the global changes that have occurred for her generation - in particular the speed of change and the movement of people around the world - which she thought was wonderful - 'full of wonder' but she also felt she could cope with it - though she didn't think her parents generation could have done!!! So she was reflecting, very positively on the world and its people, when she commented 'But not everyone understands yet - there are even sometimes murders....'

This struck me strongly then and I have been thinking about it since - and what I think is that her mindset is so positive - that even though she watches the news everyday and reads the newspaper regularly she had to remind herself that there are negative people (murderers) in the world..... I have been thinking about this since she said it... and loving it - it's like she's living her life accepting all these massive changes and just focusing on being so positive that she even struggles to recognise the negativity.... wonderful I want to live my life like this tooo!!!!!!!!!!!