Sunday, March 07, 2010

... post India....

Been back two weeks - which actually is not really a long time - still getting mood swings - lows and highs - keep looking at photos - and think and talk about India a lot......

Am beginning to recognise changes in myself - but not certain if these are India - or just changes which were on their way anyhow! I look back over the last three and half years
and see how much I have changed - when I was India I talked about changing my name - and would like to do so actually - in order to identify with this new person I'm becoming..... but it's not so easy to change your name - but I know my new name and think it suits me!!

I'm really tired tonight as it was the Spirithorse Ball last night - Moulin Rouge theme - we had a BALL!!!!!! I love the Spirithorse joy and love of dressing up - the pleasure in recognising the beauty of ourselves - they - we - just love to give ourselves to the enjoyment of the present - the attention to detail - the love and pleasure given and taken - and we just had a fantastic time!!!

So tonight - back in my big cold house - on my own after time immersed with others - recognising and enjoying both... and putting it on my blogg!!

I think I will tell my blogg my new name - as I have started to tell people - I will keep my old name for work and for most people - but I will also be known as Alegra - wow now there's a big step - been quite a weekend!!!!