Saturday, March 13, 2010

Laughing in Vienna

I live an amazing life!

I'm home after a wonderfully leisurely day in Vienna - a long walk through a large park, full of trees just starting to bud - brunch with Karoline, Chris, Cyril and his two delightful little daughters - followed by a mooch around places I would never have found as a visitor to the city. Then a quick bus to Bratislava, straight on a plane and back home - to a warm house! - managed to leave the heating on constant - it was the first time I've come home to a warm house for ages! - and flowers from my lovely Rob.

I love working with the family - we just go places in our thinking - we toss and twirl ideas around - they called me an 'idea vacuum cleaner' at some point today - and it is sort of true - together we are very creative in our thinking - direct questioning, deep reflection - circling around ideas until we get close - when one of us will pounce on it and drag it up - give it a twirl around and the others will give it a good hard look - enjoying it's strengths or relishing its non-sense!!

Last night I was eating wonderful fish in an apartment in Vienna, four of us - great food and wine - talking deep - laughing loads - being very alive. Last Saturday I was at the Moulin Rouge Ball, dancing, twirling, whirling - relishing dressing up, being with beautiful people who love, recognise and cherish the joy of life - and just having so much fun!!!!!!!!!!! In between I was at work with that group of extra-ordinary people - they were also buzzing - I just love the electricity of watching ideas bounce between us - snowballing and taking shape - wow!!! I also talked in depth with friends and Rob cooked me and Jim one of his amazing dinners on Wednesday - so a jam packed week - and in many ways - just my life!!

So this is my amazing life!!!! I am just so so grateful - how blessed am I!!!!!!!!