Sunday, February 21, 2010

Back from India....

... and can't stop smiling!!

A Glorious Journey was how I described it to someone, sometime - somewhere - in Southern India - and I liked the expression - as it was just that - a Glorious Journey!! I think it will take many bloggs to work through all that has happened and all that I have learnt from it - from India, its beautiful people, its spirituality, the countryside, the food........ but also my companions, the children, the EI - going there and coming home - I am - and was in India - just so very very happy - it is just such a wonderful feeling to be always happy.

It feels longer that three weeks - we did so much - I also went off on my own - and visited a university established by a man I met in Beirut - 25 years ago - the university not the meeting - and that was amazing.... Red carpet treatment - I had such a wonderful time - visiting not only the university but also partners that they are working with, in the rural areas, making two Women's Empowerment Talks!! and visiting schools - my breath was blown away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I felt - and still feel so strongly - in awe of the Indian people - we - westerners - have lost so much in our pursuit of - xxxxx - can't think of a word because it's not civilisation - and it's definitely not truth - 'tomorrow' - is as close as I can get to it - because here in the west we seek and pursue tomorrow - but we have forgotten how to enjoy today - or even how to recognise the present - wrapping it up in a web of worry and fear about the future.

I just absolutely loved India!!!

My favourite bit was staying in the farm - very basic in terms of amenities - which we quickly learnt to live without - but just such an amazing place - with Aranuchala - the holy mountain - directly in front of us and surrounded by very old cultivated fields - nurtured through centuries old - sophisticated - yet minding blowingly simple irrigation systems.

Absolutely amazing - feel very tired tonight and am not sure if I'm making much sense - a 5 and a half hour time difference - just love the concept of a half hour time difference! - combined with very little sleep for several days is beginning to catch up on me - work tomorrow then an early start on Tuesday to go to Brussels - but I just can't stop smiling because life is so wonderful!!!!