Just mad busy at the moment - don't seem to able to catch my breath - feeling particularly knackered today but that's because I went out with Gilly to a concert at the Arena - her birthday present to me and then we went on - so didn't get to bed 'til really late - but not complaining because it was a lot of fun!
Work starts on the new boiler tomorrow and then the back room will be decorated - and then hopefully work down through the rest of the house. Jimmy has put a deposit on a house for September with his friends and then I'll be on my own, rattling around this great big house! I'm not worried about being on my own - there was a time the thought of it would have terrified me but I am very aware of how big the house is. Talked about it with Gilly last night and Rob this morning and I think it would not be a good time to sell the house and I don't know if a lodger is the right idea - as now I'm on my own it's OK. Anyway I know I'm right to get the house in order and to continue with getting rid of stuff and then I'll make decisions at the right time.
Another busy week coming up and no heating for a couple of days -uggh!