Wednesday, June 27, 2007


The Lakes were lovely – though I managed to forget to fill the car with petrol for the third time in a few weeks and ended up getting a lift from a very nice young student from Manchester Uni - to get a gallon of petrol – I never run out of petrol – and three times in almost as many weeks! This is what makes me worry about myself – I seem to be able to do everything OK but forget to fill the car with petrol.

However the walks were great – and we did a long one on the Saturday – with no rain – Renata was euphoric about the lambs and sheeps which made the walk very special and a shorter one on the Sunday with some rain – the boys managed to pack in three swims, two saunas and we all had dinner out on the Saturday night – so quite a packed weekend.

Monday was work and busy and then dancing on Monday night – I told them about Renee building a Sweat Lodge, burning ribbons, cotton and tobacco and praying for Chris – I told them because it seemed the right thing to do – and it triggered other stories - I do love the dancing – it clears my head. Dancing, blogging and walking in the park with the dog - my spaces.

So Tuesday was a bit mad and Margaret, Renata and I arrived here in Galway late last night and I met some old friends. First time meetings are still hard and I know I have a day of them today. I am also making the opening speech at the conference and I am worried that I will be wrong footed by a nice person being caring just before I speak. But Big Breath – just get on with it – story of my life at the moment!