Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Death.... and how we live our lives - hindsight!

....  tonight I am very aware of a death,  though as I write I do not know if Neil has yet gone, though I do know it  will happen very shortly. 

Conversations tonight,  over the phone,  have been deep and profound. They have also ranged over more than 40 years, and included other deaths -  and other reflections on our collective lifetimes. Lives woven together - sometimes a light weave and sometimes an intense complex weave. Lives, expectations, reality, choices, courage and fear - coping/not coping - guilt/acceptance - the stuff of life - the blessing of life,  the harshness of life... the meaning of life.................

It is a beautiful gift to have this kind of conversation, ranging through so much and made so poignant by the imminent death of Neil. His life  has been triumphantly poignant. Aspects of it so hard, yet aspects of it so amazingly full of love ... as to take your breath away.

I want to write something profound, but don't think I am able to - but I do want to acknowledge how grateful I am for the amazing people in my life...... bufffffffff