...... has been a very strange and interesting place to be!
Lots of levels to this, there is Japan - which has been really extraordinarily, I didn't know what to expect, and have been very surprised and very impressed, and also connected ( like you do - but it is different - but the the same!).
Differences and similarities - I suppose maybe because I have travelled so much - or maybe this combined with being me - means that I can see differences and similarities - bufffffff - I think I need to recognise that I can see stuff - and accept and be grateful - and then just get on with it!!!!!!
There is also the work, which has also been surprising, again that's about levels, I thought I would find a different level of thinking because it's at a global level, and I did but then I didn't. I need to hold onto this thinking - to hold close to me for the times I lose confidence - and feel nervous and presumptoius - when I should just recognise that actually I do know what I know - and that I can see!!!!
As I write - I can see that Japan is being very empowering for me - back to the accepting and being grateful and then just getting on with it! But I do need to recognise that it has also been lonely - being here on my own.
..... so finally being on my own in Japan - has made me very conscious of the reality of being on my own. Which of course I am - not in a relationship, soon not to be living in my own home, not having family around me, not often socialising with people who live close to me - basically being ON MY OWN - which of course I am - Wow - how many times do I need to write the same stuff - and then to just recognise and accept this.
On my own yet not - whilst I have been here I have connected and linked with many via technology - even my Mum a couple of times - so I suppose it is the physical connection that is missing - the connections are here........
OK - so Japan has been big for me......... and a time to step up - and of course the first step is to just 'be' - but currently I have just to 'be' in Japan!!!!
So my learning here - is about being me - and to just BE - and get on with the wonder of where that will take me.... hahahaha - could be anywhere!!!! So for the next couple of days it will be Japan - wonderfully bonkers - the way to live life!