Saturday, August 09, 2014

Reading my blogg can make me cry...........

..... it's Saturday morning and I'm still in bed - I have been happily slobbing after a busy week, a transatlantic flight and a lovely night out with Gilly last night. I wanted to look back at a previous trip to Canada and to see what I had written at the time - which I did and it was good to recognise myself then - but also myself now...... I have come a long way.

Well then I started to read other earlier entries and I caught a glimpse of the sadness I felt in those years after Chris died.......... it made me cry....... I have come a long way!

I am enjoying the tears running down my face - beautiful tears of love but also of life....... I read about the 16 year old Jimmy that I was so worried about at the time -  now a married man and living in Prague - WOW!

Things are happening so quickly and also so amazingly - I don't know why I am amazed because I just know...... that I create my life.

I had a conversation on Thursday night with someone who is changing my life - by just being in my life - he has made me think differently.... I am conscious of this and consciously following my intuition as things unfold. When I talked about my future he said: Now is the time to take responsibility. Which came as a complete surprise but once he said it - I knew instinctively that he is right...... Now is the time to take responsibility - and this is what I will do - wherever it takes me..... I am amazed at my life and yes I have come a long way!!!!!!!!!