Tuesday, April 06, 2010

turmoil ... but coping!!!

Am in a very weird place at the moment - turmoil is a good word - it comes near to describing the pace of change, the quantity of changes, the whirlwinds of changes that are occurring within me - both internally and externally!!

Tonight I feel back in the vortex of last year... but know I'm not - last year when I was dancing in Spain, I felt very blind and vulnerable with the pace of change - the snake goes blind when he castes his skin and that's how I felt - a little bit of life caught up and whirling out of control in a tornado spiral....

So don't feel like that - suppose I feel more in control - though control is not the right word - it's difficult to explain - I feel like I am living in turmoil/chaos - but the difference from last year is that I recognise the changes that are occurring and am just giving in to them - going with the flow - so still in that tornado but not fighting it or giving it any resistance - just surrendering to the whirlwind!!

So it's Tuesday night I go to Spain for a conference tomorrow - Buff! might be in turmoil - but still wonderfully blessed and happy!!!

So.... not in an easy place ... but not a bad place, exciting, alive... out of my control - but life is never in our control - it just is!!!