Monday, April 12, 2010

Back from Spain

House not too cold - so obviously warming up here as well - chamomile tea in bed combo - reflecting on the last few days - my life does seem to be surreal at the moment - and my time in Spain has just been another brief episode of..... not chaos.. but not sure what.... accelerated change I think.

The conference in Segovia was seriously surreal - and I spent a lot of time talking to someone I met there - who took my thinking way way out- which was amazing. Read a lot - in both Spanish and English - books which had been recommended or just appeared in my life - so much resonance with my own thinking - amazing to read books which are saying what I'm thinking!

Then today I was on the beach in the sun - in my new bikini! swimming - very briefly! in the Mediterranean - eating ice creams on Blanes promenade - talking in horrible Spanish - I just need to get better - I suppose the better I get the worse I know I am! Understanding conversation is my weakest bit - not getting one word or phrase can just throw me completely - I suppose it's just practice - the reading helps as I'm sure that's building up my vocabulary.

Been thinking a lot over the last few days and am not certain what will happen this week - feel very much at a point of change - but hey what's new there - seem to have been changing all the time recently!! But and it's an important But - I'm not afraid of change and that's the important thing.