Wednesday, November 18, 2009

feeling on top of it .. but also a bit out of my depth!

Next stage stuff - in London at a weird sort of do with Belgiums - making my mark - but not certain why or even how - but knowing I am!

Crazy atmosphere tonight - as what seems to be the entire Algerian ex pat community is partying in Trafalgar Square 20 yards for my hotel – plus fireworks! Rang Robbie to get details of football achiement.

Learning so much from talking to people whose lives have involved living in several countries and recognising how much they have going for them - but also - after wonderful conversations tonight – how this leads to their own set of vulnerabilities!

Know that I want to live in a Spanish speaking country for a minimum of three months - it's the only way I'll get fluent. Wow that's a big decision I've concreted tonight! Feeling a little bit out of my depth - then had long phone call with Lesley – wonderful – and the Algerian party continues outside my window!!!