Friday, May 29, 2009

Well Kipper's gone

The Vet came round this afternoon and Jimmy, Rob and I sat with Kip whilst he was gently put to sleep. It all seems to have happened very quickly.

I remember thinking not long after Chris died that I just couldn't face Kipper going and although I am very upset at the moment I am also OK about it. It is strange how it has happened just when I am very clearly moving into the next stage of my life - me moving on and Jimmy leaving home - and it just seems right that Kipper should go at this time and join Chris.

We will get the ashes in a couple of weeks and then scatter them around the beech tree - then Chris will be for ever IPWD - In Park With Dog.

He was a good dog - and as Alex commented at the time of Chris's death - we had been a three dog family - Stan, Beryl and then Kip. I loved them all but Kipper was really a very special dog - my lovely Kipper and he loved me too - devotedly - and I will miss that - his lovely presence - comforting and also such a strong reminder of Chris and our life together.

So no more walks in the park every morning - I'll miss them - did all my best thinking in the park - enjoying the beauty, the trees, the sky and the birds. Very important to me - those mornings - my time - my peace.

However the strong feeling of change in my life, touched with chaos but also beauty gives me a clear and definite knowledge that this was Kip's time to go.

So I shall grieve tonight and then tomorrow go dancing at an all night party on the beach at Thurstaton - which will be a really good place to dance farewell to Kipper, remembering him running along that beach, his long legs and elegant silhouette enjoying every second of his life.

So good bye my lovely Kipper - it's right for you to go now as I unfurl my new wings and dance my way through my lucky life - thank you for sharing your life so willingly with us. xxx