Sunday, May 10, 2009

Catching my breath...

Finally feel able to catch my breath after the roller coaster of the last few weeks. Last weekend helped and I was only away one night last week in Belfast - but I do feel so much calmer this weekend. Might also be because I went dancing yesterday - a Saturday dancing - it felt like it was my birthday - a special treat - 6 hours of dancing with a an excellent teacher in the company of many of the Liverpool group plus others...... feel very good this morning - even if my feet are a bit tender - but they did have such a good dance!

Still quite early Sunday morning - I wake up so early these beautiful mornings - Alex is home - so I will take the incontinent dog for a walk in the park then make two of my wonderful sons breakfast before they grapple with Jimmy's Maths and Physics revision. Then I will go and buy Jimmy's birthday presents - he's moving out in September and wants cooking things - so I shall enjoy that. Then Rob is coming round for tea - a lovely day to look forward to. Big breath and my mantra - how lucky am I.....................