Monday, July 14, 2008

Home alone

... before going off tomorrow - to new, unknown and at the moment bit scary places. Dog completely neurotic - lots of boys with rucksacks this morning was just too much for him - he really gets upset by luggage - and I suppose the atmosphere of excitement - however 'cool' they are!

Feeling that I'm burdening Rob with the dog - but have exchanged kennel fees for (hopefully) last few driving lessons.

Went dancing tonight - a particularly good peer group dance - I did the music for Flow which I was bit nervous about because only I did it at the last minute because of computer problems - but strangely - or perhaps because of time pressures - it went down very well - then after the quickest shower and change ever - went for a drink with Gilly as we haven't seen each other for ages and I'm off tomorrow.

So now I'm home - and home alone - still find this a difficult place to be - probaby because I'm just so unused to it. But I do feel more OK and comfortable than last time - which is good.

Had a text from Jimmy - he's now camping with 30,000 others in Benicassim and the 'Jimmy Jenkins coach' which he arranged apparently was a 'masterstroke' which just feels good.

So home alone - but OK - very aware of how lucky am I to be me!